
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hello from Paradise Island where the streams never cross...

Hello... eh.. Is this thing on?

We're going to get really real here for a second (see what I did there? ha!) I have no idea what I'm doing... In many respects actually... Whether it be blogging, dancing, being an adult, or solving an equation related to astrophysics. Do you even solve equations in astrophysics? I don't know. I'm bad at math and most sciences. Anyway, I digress..

Being 25 in today's society is exciting and terrifying. I spend half my time stressing about making the right decisions relating to financial stability and career paths while still struggling to keep my childlike disposition and and idealistic point of view. This is probably why I chose to become a preschool teacher temporarily until I reach that point of achieving my ultimate career goals and lifestyles. Don't misinterpret, my use of "temporarily;"my job is incredibly rewarding and exactly what I need right now. I spend my days helping my kiddos develop and grow and experience their self discoveries that somewhat relate to my own. They struggle to gain this power and independence that at the age of 25, I struggle to gain at a much larger scale. What I'm really trying to say is, I am in fact a large toddler with a super hero complex trying to gain my independence.

I use the term "super hero complex" lightly as to express my interest in comic books and pop culture in a fun way. I am, of course, not referring to the psychological disorder. I do not seek recognition through creating desperate situations that only I can solve. I don't have time to become a vigilante, and let's be completely honest, I am super clumsy and would either forget that I strapped someone to railroad tracks or trip and kill everyone accidentally.... again.. I digress. I find the comic book and pop culture world to be incredibly interesting and fun. I love to immerse myself in the culture and world. As seen in my fashion choices, I love to cosplay. However, with my lifestyle, it is way too time consuming. Instead, I will settle with being a mediocre cosplayer with an extremely geeky wardrobe that incorporates my favorite pieces of pop culture. While I would love to become a super successful cosplayer who knows everything about everything in geek culture, I am definitely happy with being mediocre with my costumes and filling my time with watching the shows, movies and reading the books to gain that knowledge to have discussions and share my opinions with the fine people reading this. And by that I mean, hi mom.  

With my dirty laundry freshly hung out online (on the line, I made an attempt to make a joke....feel free to attempt to laugh at the relation at any time) I decided to start a blog to share my experiences of being a quarter of a century old nerd who is trying to figure it out. Life. I wanted to start a blog to share my experiences for those out there who feel the way that I do, struggle with mid-twentisms (a term that I am coining whether I am the first to use it our not) to share my puntastic doodles that I think are funny and think you might share as well, and mostly my opinions and experiences of geeky pop culture. So, come on. VĂ¡monos. Autobots roll out, No power in the verse can stop me. Avengers assemble. [insert any other geeky reference relating to "let's do this" here] Again, I digress....

One more thing... Hope you all enjoy Feminist rants... 

Also enjoy the pictures from my first geek photo shoot that I have scattered throughout the post because I don't know where else to put them yet... Happy Blogging Friends! 

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